A study on the plane figures...(Elementary Education Online, 2021.02) > 자유게시판

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A study on the plane figures...(Elementary Education Online, 2021.02)

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A study on the plane figures of elementary school in the view of transformation geometry

One of the main purposes of geometry learning is the classification of shapes. Thus the activity
of classifying shapes from a geometric symmetry (invariant) point of view has sufficient educational
significance from Klein's point of view. The concept of translation, line symmetry, and rotational
symmetry is introduced as part of activities to raise spatial sense in the current elementary school
mathematics curriculum. The above three transformations are basic activities in the concept of
congruence. But the current mathematics curriculum tends to deal with three basic concepts and
congruence regardless of whether they are related. In fact, three activities and congruent concepts for
developing spatial senses was introduced in different the grade-band for each other.
In this paper, we shall classify triangles and quadrilaterals from the viewpoint of a symmetry breaking

논문 정보
Keunbae Choi, Dept. of Math. Education, Teachers College, Jeju National University, kbchoe@jejunu.ac.kr
Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; 20 (3): pp. 1062-1067 


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